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The best CIP in the second quarter of 2020

2020-09-17 Author:聚力电机 Browsing amount:9047

The selection of“the best continuous improvement proposal”for the second quarter of 2020 was held recently, the project "Waste Molybdenum Electrode Processing and Reuse" proposed by Andy Zheng of the Engineering Department won the crown.

The project optimizes drawings and reprocesses the waste molybdenum electrodes produced by the current hot-pressing process to realize reuse. It is estimated that the existing waste molybdenum electrodes can be used to save more than 580,000 yuan. When new molybdenum electrodes need to be purchased, it is expected to save about 55,000 yuan per year due to the process improvement.

General Manager Todd Luo presented awards to the winner. This award is the second time this year that Andy has won the quarterly improvement proposal award.

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