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The Progress Plan Conference 2023

2023-01-13 Author: Browsing amount:1431

In the afternoon of January 12, 2023, the 2023 Progress Plan Conference of JULI China was successfully held. General Manager Mr. Todd Luo, Vice General Manager Mr. David Weng, managers of each department and representatives of department heads made speeches. This conference was the first progress plan conference held after the opening of the new plant of JULI China.

General manager Mr. Todd Luo made a summary report of the company's annual work and made an overall plan for the development of the company in 2023; in the past 2022, although we faced with the epidemic, the overall economic environment and other uncertainties, the company worked together and completed the relocation of the new plant. At the same time, we have achieved a seamless transition of orders from customers and production activities at the new plant as planned, and more encouragingly, we have achieved a new record revenue in 2022 and maintain a solid growth expectation.

Other speakers led the audience to review the struggles of 2022 and plan for the new year from the perspective of their departments. With the opening of the new plant, the development history of JULI China has officially entered a new chapter. Let's concentrate our efforts and continue to practice the policy of full participation and continuous improvement to create a more brilliant tomorrow for JULI together!

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